

I love chickens!  Chickens are the best! I'm heart broken when they die, so I try to spend as much time with them as I can. My chickens are very sweet and treat the other chickens like a sister.                                         Best chickens that live (or lived) on my farm:                                         1. Bella (My first chicken and first layer and sweetest in the flock)                                         2.  Hope (My second chicken and sometimes she lays double yoke eggs)                                         3.  Dotty (The fanciest in the flock)                                         4.  Precious (Second sweetest in the flock and follows me around)                                         5.  Speckles (Best layer ever! She lays double yoke eggs like all the time!)           In my perspective there are 3 ways to keep your chickens:           1. Love and care for them every day.           2.  Put them in a nesting box with a light, food, and wa

The dream that started it all

first chicks! My granddaddy has a small farm. He started out with chickens but there were a few problems like hawks and raccoons, so he got goats to protect them. I loved going to his house because he let me see his animals and check the eggs. I loved it soooo much that my mom got me chickens! Some of them died, but that didn't stop me. After my favorite one died that door closed and another door opened. My good friend gave us 7 new chicks and my dad's cousin sold us 2 new bunnies, and the farm had begun. Now I love farming more than ever because now I know if that door closes then some way, some how another door will open even if it seems it never will.